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Our Cultural Journey

In Aotearoa, people, place and connection are bound by stories. Only through these stories can we understand and appreciate our relationship with Te Ao Māori, Mana Whenua and Whenua.

Rātā Foundation has been on a journey of maramatanga (understanding) - one that brings us closer to understanding the aspirations of Iwi, Hapū, and Whānau across Waitaha, Te Tau Ihu o te Waka a Māui, and Wharekauri.

This has been a journey of whakawhanaungatanga - making connections and relationships with Iwi, Hapū and whānau. This allows Rātā to better understand and support those aspirations for a shared future - kotahitanga.

Our journey started with our partners, Ihi Research. They supported the development of our Kaupapa Māori approach to engage with Iwi, Hapū, and Whānau.

What we have learnt, what we have done and what we will do next on our journey can be found here. Our story is interwoven with the stories of our region's Iwi, hapū, whānau, and the history of Aotearoa.

Rātā Foundation is committed to sharing the future with Iwi, Hapū, and Whānau – kotahitanga.

Watch the videos below that tell the story of our journey of whakawhanaungatanga (building connections) within te ao Māori.

E pātuki te manawa o te Rātā, he oranga mō te iwi. The heartbeat of the Rātā sustains the people.

Our whakatauki was gifted from Ngāi Tahu in 2015 when the Canterbury Community Trust evolved into Rātā Foundation.

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    Our Cultural Journey

    Rātā Foundation has been on a journey of  māramatanga (understanding) – one that brings us closer to understanding the aspirations of Iwi, Hapū and Whānau across Waitaha (Canterbury), Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Maui (Top of the South) and Wharekauri  (the Chatham Islands).

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