Language: English | Māori

Tatou Papa

Our Board

Our Trustees, who govern Rātā Foundation, are appointed by the Minister of Finance for four-year terms.

Trustees must live in our funding regions of Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough and the Chatham Islands. They include a mix of community, investment, legal and financial expertise to assist us in achieving high governance standards, ensuring effective stewardship of the significant community Putea they are responsible for.

The role of our Board is to set our strategy and policies, and to make decisions which deliver Rātā’s purpose.

The Board has a code of conduct which reflects good governance standards, confidentiality, acting ethically and professionally, and to properly manage conflicts of interest.

The Board has five standing committees:

  • Community Investment
  • Komiti Māori
  • Investment
  • Remuneration
  • Audit and Risk

The day to day running of our organisation is delegated to our Chief Executive who, along with the Rātā team, is responsible for delivering on our strategy.

Becoming a Trustee

Learn more about becoming a trustee.


