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Evaluation is all about learning and helps your organisation reflect on your work and keep improving your practice.

It helps you show the value of what your organisation does. It’s more than gathering data, it’s about having information to tell a real story about what you are doing and the difference your organisation makes. Below are some links where you can find resources to help you on your evaluation journey.

You can find out about Rātā Foundation’s expectation for reporting on your funded programme, project or service here.

The What Works Website

The What Works website is a new, NGO-friendly website helping the people who make Aotearoa New Zealand a better place - especially smaller community groups who can struggle to show the value of their work. It aims to help people gather robust data and information to tell a real story about what they are doing and the difference it makes. If you need to reflect on your work, demonstrate its effectiveness and keep improving your practice, this site is for you.

Making sense of evaluation

A user-friendly handbook designed for those working in New Zealand's social sector who need to know more about how to measure and understand the effectiveness of their programmes.

An Evidence Rating Scale

This scale for New Zealand provides a standard against which evidence for effectiveness of social sector policies, programmes, services or practices can be assessed.

Theory of Change

An innovative and participatory method of planning and evaluation that allows you to explain and understand how change happens and why an initiative is expected to work.

Want to see if there are evaluation training events on? Check out our What’s On page.

