Language: English | Māori
Ma Tatou

About Us

Rātā Foundation is the South Island’s largest philanthropic funder. Each year we grant around $20 million to invest in community organisations in Canterbury, Marlborough, Nelson and the Chatham Islands.

We strive for an equitable and sustainable society under the korowai of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We aim to support those who need it now, at the same time helping to build a better future where communities thrive. With a solid investment portfolio, strategic and proactive community investment activity, and strong, authentic partnerships and relationships, we think and act with an intergenerational mind-set.

We believe an equitable society is one where nothing gets in the way of people getting the support they need to enjoy a full and healthy life. We also support communities to care for their environment so they and future generations can thrive. And we want to help strengthen local organisations so they can create long term social change that enables them to care for their community.

Like a korowai, our work wraps around the organisations, communities, and people we support, drawing on the values of:

  • manaakitanga

  • kotahitanga

  • kaitiatkitanga

  • whanaungatanga

We believe in respectful relationships and partnerships with everyone we work with and those they support, whether they be Māori, Pasifika or any other ethnic group, young people and the elderly, people with disability, people with health or mental health needs, or gender diverse people.

As well as our community investment, we aim to be a community leader and influencer, so we partner and collaborate with people and organisations that have strong community connections and understanding. Together with them we work to empower people to thrive to bring about sustainable, intergenerational change and create an equitable society.

Since 1988, we have assisted hundreds of organisations through our community investment programme. Today, we are guardians of an over $644 million putea, making around $20 million in grants per annum.

To find out more, read our news, or check out how we fund and what we fund. Also take a look at our community stories.

Rātā Foundation was formed in 1988 (originally The Canterbury Community Trust). Our funding comes from a putea; we receive no money from other funders, endowments, or gaming trusts.
